lauantai 20. marraskuuta 2010

Luxembourg Online - now online most of the time

At the end of the summer 2010 I was rather unhappy with the service of Luxembourg Online. In order to improve the situation, I drafted a fairly comprehensive letter and sent it to the company by e- and snail-mail. In this letter, I told that I have stopped paying the bills until the service has been improved.

By the way, I have noticed that these Central-Europeans have a lot of respect for written communication, especially when addressed to the boss. It sometimes even seems that answering letters is the principal management system. And there is nothing wrong with this - once you know it, you can use it. Even if paying attention to the quality of service, motivating the people to care for customers and supervising the execution of work systematically might give better results than mere correspondence, especially in technical domains.

I got a swift reply to my letter, telling me that it is all my fault, because I had installed a cable to bring the signal from the cellar to my bureau.

I was not very happy with this answer, because I had carefully verified that when the problem occurred, it also occurred in the cellar when I attached my modem directly to the newly installed amplifier. Surely, the cable damped the signal a few dBmV, so in my bureau the service failures were perhaps more frequent than in the cellar. But they appeared in the cellar as well, I was sure of this.

Taking into account the efforts of Luxembourg Online to keep its customers, I found a good candidate for new ISP - Orange with their ADSL Flat Solo. Their monthly fee was two euro less than my current price, but I would need to have an other modem and a different cable.

This happened in September. I decided that next time when there were be excessive service cuts, I would switch to Orange.

Surprise! I am still with Luxembourg Online. Since September, I have noticed some service problems in the logs of the modem, but none of them has happened when watching videos online or using my VoIP telephone. In fact, the service has been online and I have been quite happy with it.

But perhaps, when the Summer comes and the strong Luxembourgish sun starts again roasting the Eltrona distribution boxes, the signal will fade away as it did last Summer. This time, I will go as well, without even starting any correspondence with the old provider. They have had their chance.